" Super Pup 2" - SP2

More advanced training



Super Pup 2, (SP2), continues the Dobes primary obedience; and the initial taste of rules in “our home” before it gets to your home. Adds an initial 2 to 3 hours a day in the home before it gets to your home, unless it will be stepping into the CYA program. Guided always while in the “home”, the canine student now has two to three other instructors to help in the various areas of home rules. At least one instructor, at all times. 

All staff that work with the Dobe, from obedience to home rules, have the right credentials and are not part timers, but devote thier days to the education to our canine students. My obedience teams have seen both their own, and client Dobes make the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top 20 monthly and yearly chart many times. The entire team enjoy working with these fresh young minds.

Remember, you must first teach the child to walk before you teach it to run - that's what the Pup Programs are all about. 

Here we are their family from birth to placement. When the young pup is old enough to step away from its mom and give us a kiss, is the time we give its call name till its new parents give it the personal call name. The pups name is still changable if its not had a family yet, many times we will already be given the call name by its future family. In the home programs, we set up situations just to be able to say, "that's a NO", but always looking for the moment or action where we can reward with "Good Boy", "Good Girl", by touch, voice and treat. When the time is right, we hand them a treat, but even handing them a treat is teaching the rule of "Gentle", meaning leave the fingers.

Note: Without being given freedom in the home environment, the dog cannot begin to learn the rules of in-home life. Using a crate as a safe house during initial placement may be the right way to go when first entering their new life before they settle in, but only guided freedoms here and in thier new home will give the pup the opportunity to continue learning the right ways from the wrong ways.

 These youngsters in the SP2 program will be given guided freedoms during the day by our staff in our office/home complex. This is where each pup begins life and there is always someone around to correct any misadventures as well as giving compliments for being a good kid. This is a great jump start in the complexities of living in your residence. (Of course, you should consider the use of a safe area - a pen or type of crate when you can't be the supervisor in the first weeks of placement.)  We will issue instructions specifically guided by knowing the pup and the details of its new life and environment. We set the Dobes up to error instead of waiting for mistakes. Not to miss one of their cute puppy tricks, we also have 16 cameras in the same facility. If an iPhone is grabbed, someone counter surfs or a shoe moved even a few feet, we know who the kid was even if the pup had a buddy at the time of the mis-deed.  

The kids are young. Always, in the beginning, from our SP2 to our most advanced program, the more they are introduced to freedoms with guidance before placement, the easier for you and the 'kid' during the beginning days of their new life.

Your new companion to be, may be a pup or a young adult. Whether one or the other, it will need your guidance and understanding in the early days as you are building the relationship between each human member of the family; all the while introducing it to the rules of their new home. Plus, if other cats, dogs, birds or – well, we'll leave the OR open for now, are also in residence, we hope we had been advised early on, to familiarize the pup with those members also. It helps to know all in residence and is the reason why we require the Client Profile up front; so we can add a few more pointers before the pup arrives. And the house, well, the fact that every door has a different use, and every room has its own specific guidelines. and remember each new placement needs a personal guide in the begining. Even our most advanced graduate needs a personal guide in the beginning.   

In effect, as an example of adjustment, one of our clients, after taking his new best buddy, Chance, to the waterfront at Annapolis, experienced what the owner described as Sensory Overload! Chance seemed a bit nervous but soon was enjoying the moment. Really, we never have had a Sailboat or Yacht move past us on Ranch Road and rarely see anything around here but party boats and fishermen on Douglas Lake. So truly unless one of our trainers will be delivering your new 'kid' and staying a few days, if you requested this extra service, or to introduce the Hoytt Dobe to its actual new life style, you as the new parent still have obligations to your new kid to understand all will go so much better if you help the Dobe understand the new world. So, folks if you are about to introduce the Dobe to even it's first yard parties, overnight guests or those allowed to come and go as they please just give us a call and we will talk you through the new learning experiences with the exception of personal flight in a smaller craft as seen below. 



Now the young male above is Jet. Seen here with his new 'dad' at Morristown, TN airport.  The two loaded up and flew to Washington DC, with minimal stress. The program that Jet was put through began around six weeks of age when he was presented to his new  owner via photographs and videos after we had selected the boy and arranged for the future dad to visit. Specifically selected and trained for his new family, he started training within four weeks after this introduction.  At just 17 weeks old, Jet proved both our selection process and our training team’s expertise allowed us to add optional road trips through the winding, dipping, and rough back roads to help desensitize the boy for his flight home. 

Jet was just as calm and happy as he looks here, also showing his confidence at the terminal. A perfect gentleman even when his new dad picked him up and put him in "the car". 


For additional instruction in home rules, travel, further obedience refinements as well as off property social experiences see: Custom Young Adult Program. Go back to menu to study some of the more advanced programs we offer.

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