10th Birthday Projection
Our 10th birthday projection
For those who follow our health and care recommendations predominatly and have learned turning to the world of internet experts, we admit that overall that a once a year physical begining at 3 yrs of age (with a copy of reports sent to us following the kids exam, which helps with our on-going years of research) with a few easy guide lines, including following the FDA's dietary advisories. Plus we offer a very balanced supplimental program to meet these requirements. Not an over the counter mass produced under qualified minimal supplimental program... Go to our page on Creature Comforts to order an easy way of giving these suppliments we offer. Please go back to main menu for details. As an added brag, we remind the reader that since 1985, we have protected the American Bred Hoytt Dobe through the true breeders art. With this final point of reference related to LINE BREEDING...Humorously we want to remind all our readers that "If you don't want flies in the house, don't open the windows". Meaning all dogs going back decades were controlled matings by the Hoytt's including holter monitoring before each mateing.
And here's a bit more brags ...
We were the first Doberman Breeder to place the Doberman Pincher in Iceland and to keep going our most rescent international placement is a pair of Hoytt Dobes that now reside in Denmark . Of course we can add a few more countries and mention Tortola in British Virgin Islands and of course the Bahamas. Even in the small island of Sitka, Alaska. As well as Hawii and Prince Edward Island, Canada. One more interesting country are the Hoytt Dobes that have gone back to thier original country ..Germany. And finally on closing these brags do note these few international placements have taken approximately 60 years.
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