Available Dobes


This website is being updated automatically when Hoytt dobes become avaliable. However, feel free to call Carol Stephens or Barrie Hoytt at (865) 397-9887 or email Barrie at Barrie@hoytt.com to discuss avaliablity well into 2025.                                        


"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" Scroll down this page to check avaliablity

      Hoytt  - Offering  the only protected American Bred Doberman line since 1985, which has been monitored since its German begining in 1945 when Barrie Hoytt's parents imported thier first clean German lines avaliable at the time. We are proud to say throughout the world today, the Hoytt Dobe has shown  its excellent longevity; smooth and stable personality,  is a great socializer and still a very good defender of family. In an overview when all structural qualities as presented in the American Kennel Club Doberman Standard and the dozens of  genetic variables as stated throughout the internet with too many statements from the uneducated that at times have misguilded the general public. Today, after decades of research in both health and temperment, we offer a 10th birthday projection. NOTE...Please keep in mind that House of Hoytt is the singular specialist in the Doberman world serving the clients personally at a professional level. And in part we are exclusively the doberman profiler.

Our 10th birthday projection

For those who follow our health and care recommendations predominatly,  a once a year physical begining at 3 yrs of age (with a copy of reports sent to us following the kids exam, which helps with our  on-going years of  research) with a few easy guide lines, including  following the FDA's dietary advisories.  Plus we offer  a very balanced supplimental program to meet these requirements. Not an over the counter mass produced under qualified minimal supplimental program... Go to our  page on Creature Comforts to order an easy way of  giving these suppliments we offer. Please go back to main menu for details. As an added brag, we remind the reader that since 1985, we have protected the American Bred Hoytt Dobe through the true breeders art. With this final point of reference related to LINE BREEDING...Humorously we want to remind all our readers that "If you don't want flies in the house, don't open the windows". Meaning all dogs going back decades were controlled matings by the Hoytt's including holter monitoring before each mateing.


Scroll further down for the AVAILABLE list.



At the time the photo below with Mr. Hoytt are three that own the boss along with Shelby our red now a Grand-victor resident of the Long Horn State. Where a handsome red boy named Trooper was anxiously awaiting her arrival.   mr.h-and-his-gang-img-1645.jpg


To call our office the general information number is 865-397-9887 or to set up a conference with Mr. Hoytt.   If you are already family feel free to text Mr. Hoytt directly on his private number identifying yourself and leaving a number you can be reached. Thank you for this courtesy. 


CONTINUE DOWN TO AVAILABLE - CLICK PHOTOS IN " NEWEST RESERVED '24" which is a separate link in first page menu to see more. All Hoytt dobes both AVALIABLE and Reserved currently in residence here are completeing thier medical programs and will be finishing their education. 


Note we accept pre-birth reservations from those who plan on welcoming a Hoytt Dobe in 2024 as well as 2025. If you have additional questions please contact Carol at (865) 397-9887 or text Mr Hoytt at (865) 567-5270.



Pictured above is Izzy, formally "Hoytt's Isabella Bellatrix CGC". Out of Miska and Kodiak. Izzy is part of Mr. Hoytt's private line, sister of Mr. Hoytt's youngest star, "Q" and the great grandchild of Mr. Hoytt's previous "QUEEN" London who for 10 years was the love of his life.

With our newest birth born 7-7-24 reminding us of the continuation of a great blood line. We are very pleased that Izzy's parents are exceptional companions and between the two, have averaged more that a decade of life so far. Part of a blood line that goes back to 1980.


NOTE-- Izzy's Babies were born on Independence weekend 2024.. Please note Izzy gave us both reds and blacks and only two were reserved before birth.




Our plan will be to introduce our last breeding this year and thier sires sometime in Aug.-- Summer births will be avaliable Fall of 2024 and to be sure one of the next group to be born can be yours, do put in a pre-birth reservation to guarantee this will be the year for your first or next Hoytt Doberman. Do remember there is a $500 discount for pre-birth reservations from established clients.

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