Understanding the Pedigree


For Europian registered dobes go to Doberbase.ru and type in the Sire of the dog you are researching and you will get a general health history of that dog's liniage.

Now scroll down for AKC communications to us.

BEFORE cell phones, traveling outside our area of life, we would turn to paper roadmaps, even those in 
fancy leather binders were still just white & black lines with more lines and numbers in red, blue and 
black leading to a choice of thousands of cities with little to no descriptive information. One would have 
never reached their destination without expert cartography (mapper). Well, a dog’s pedigree is like a 
road map without the roads. Yet if you never visited Pleasant Valley before (your destination), you
researched the city so you don’t arrive to find the photos you had found that encouraged you to visit 
were misleading. 
Yet the courthouse and park photos turned out to be the village’s highlight. WHAT A DISSAPOINTMENT. 
Three days on the road to get there and of course it would be the same to return home. What a 
letdown. You learned the hard way – not enough research. Lucky you were not relocating, imagine years
as a resident not just days visiting. You would have done more research like town history as well as city 
services and with school age children you would also have researched the educational system. Plus of 
course job security if you were not retiring.
In effect the pedigree for those who have created their own line. Understand what the colors, lines and 
the numbers mean can lead to finding breeders who know the dogs in their pedaree personally those 
who have the right to call themselves knowable in the world of canines. Of our canine companions yet 
at best these sellers are only good story tellers who can not be held to their promises without going to 
the courts for these sellers want you to believe they are well experienced and know the lines they offer
are free of genetic health and temperament weaknesses. Who have since began selling Dobermans.
Study the pedigrees below and note the bloodline name Hoytt appears on the generations of canines 
that make up our line while the non-Hoytt literally has a different sellers name on each dog presented. 
Which means they would not know, but at best sire and dam of the puppies offered. For specific 
questions regarding the pedigrees of each dog feel free to contact me at Barrie@hoytt.com


Study the following pedigee of Rocketman and note each dog carries the Hoytt name. Each of our dogs have had testing thru Univerity of Tennessee.

See how many owners have chosen from out of the states, also note the composite of the dog with exception of dam and sire are unknown. For those that would like to check the history of a European pedigree, search by name on the following website.....Doberbase.ru 




Scroll down to see Kodiak and Caspions lastest 24 hour monitor report.




Kodiak was one of our "key" studs, now retired. Izzy's daddy.


Barrie's personal Dobe Caspion



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