"Super Pup One" - SP1

Basics For the Young Canine: 



Once you have reserved your new Hoytt Dobe and decided "education before placement" as the only way to go; let’s talk about the programs. Keep in mind that before advancing futurer your new Hoytt Dobe will have completed the Puppy Pre-school Advanced course. We continue to teach "feet on the ground" which began even before interductions to lead and collar. No jumping up on its people no matter how excited the kid becomes. In fact, unless we are sitting on the ground during free times remember we never, never, even in excitement, allow jumping up on its parent. 

However, cuddling with its people, when human and canine are on the Dobes bed, is encouraged for you can watch a movie, CNN or a sporting event together.  Or in your lap or heading to bed as your extra comfort buddy we see no reason to discourage this after placement. Since it is a true private time between the kid and its family. Remember if you move his bed to the bedroom, or have a second Top Dobe bed for the bedroom, and begin teaching his bed is his spot at retirement and you have not allowed him in your bed. they are wonderful in understanding thier bed vrs your bed.

                   NOTE WE DO NOT ALLOW CLIENT DOGS ON FURITURE OR IN BED - THAT'S YOUR JOB.                                   

  Before placement they are taught their spot is on their Top Dobe bed not our furiniture or bed. Now during puppy hood jumping up to gain your attention is one of the most problematic, but normal areas of a home-schooled dog. Many owners seem to be inconsistent in enforcing this rule as their dog gets older.  Many times, when rushing to leave for the office, shopping, or out for the evening, the dog becomes excited and paw prints will become the decoration of the moment. 

The kid jumps up because it loves you, but, usually, you may be in too much of a hurry and think, "next time you will start enforcing "paws on the ground" rule". The kid may have learned Bye Bye and this can be seen as the beginning of fun and will get excited thinking it’s going someplace with its person for it is thinking about the personal attention it gets going Bye Bye. Maybe even a McDonalds. 

To teach no jumping up without permission we then begin lead training. First convincing the pup that the collar and lead are not to be feared; that in effect, we are not going to hang the pup and of course we do not use "electronic" or spiked collars. Think how a young child would behave if you put something around its neck,  attached to a line and tried to get the point across that you are not trying to kill it, that you are just protecting it from getting lost. We have a unique way of introducing the pups to the lead without panicking the pup. So, step two begins lead training and in time teaching them to walk on lead without fear.

Once more we remind the reader our early programs first teach the pup to learn how to learn.

 Note that the simple command of heel is not simple! There are five steps just to master walking at your side:

 First, of course, is to convince the young Dobe school can be fun

Second, to learn the walking lead is not a punishment.

 Third, The kid learns to walk on a lead at your left on a loose leash.

 Fourth,  the kid will be learning to walk at your side without constantly pulling on the leash.  This is the first stage of learning to walk on a loose lead. 

 Fifth,  The kid learns to walk within about twelve inches from your left leg at a pace that, in time, will match your own.

 Sixth,  The kid learns to never crowd you or constantly run around you. – All this and still walk with the lead not tight while still enjoying the walk'

                 Seven, the next step in the kids education is the SIT  while maneuvered to your left side facing the direction to are about to walk in. However, even the basic sit requires many adjustments. Since the pup's not knowing, will sit in any direction within a full 360. So many steps and all the while the trainer is bent over, after all the canine is only about 12 inches at the shoulders when old enough to begin life rules in our world. How many deep knee bends can you do in a 30 minute training session and still smile?

             Now  begins the refining of heel, (heel means “at your side”). Understand, when an educated canine is told to heel, it means.... stay at its human partners side. Note...If you don’t move they should not move. In time, you can even call your dog to your side by just the command, " remember to use the kids name first" to get its attention, then the command, your dog's name and heel, at a more advanced level you can slightly pat your left side – but this is more understood at CYA level, because they have spent weeks practicing everything they learned in Level One and Level Two.  Also remember for the dog to walk with you, you have to begin walking.  Use the dog’s name first, the command, heel, and then immediately begin walking. You don’t wait for the dog to move first because that goes against its walking experience.

Next is DOWN at your side. To quickly lay Down has as many steps as sit before the correct response is gained. By the way;  the word Down is not the word you use when the dog gets on furniture or the dog jumps up on or at you! Here, You say OFF... Also never combine the words SIT & DOWN, like....."sit down dog".   The more the new canine student is learning the more precise you have to be in the beginning. In effect their obedience as well as their future as they evolve into your world is like a foreign language.  So, would you  want the dog to SIT or to DOWN?  MAKE UP YOUR MIND. And jumping up on things or you is OFF.

Each session at all levels is combination of play times and instruction during training. Even at the highest level such as our Grand Victors these guys score well over the better averages because they have gained the understanding of a job well done and knowing they are pleasing their people. Of course there is still a great deal of PLAY through SP2 because it is the beginning of the young Dobes serious schooling so we want the interaction to not seem like discipline. Eventually, the young canine student learns the -  on lead - basics of walking on lead, heel at your side, sit at the instructor's left side on command, down, down stay, sit and sit stay as well as come. 

 Add the cost of the pup with our extensive medical completion program services to figure your investment before placement, now add the cost of pup

Crate Training, a safe house when left alone in the beginning - a plus for the new placement. 



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