Thunderbolt - a J.J. & Buffy kid born Valentines Day now a west coast kid after he finished our pre-placement medical services. NOTE: 60 years of flying many kids home without an accident. First time buyer is friend of well established client. $0.00
Karma ... "Next generation" Buffy Pup born 12-3-19 - now home between residences ... Locally & Jersey depending on the month.- established client. Due to whelp Valentine's day 2022 - sire Guinness . $0.00
Ruby - Born 10-27-22 - Lucy and Guinness - This little girl is headed to Oregon to an established client after her medical services are completed. $0.00
Spicey ... has new name, birthday gift a surprise for either husband or wife (of course I know) - will wait until she is home to give details-yep established clients. - Major & Delilah pup in training - born 11-12-18 ... Now Ripley and a Floridian $0.00