What a Successful Month in the Ring
What a Month - finished three Grand Victors. Moby, Delilah & Cindi for their new families. Our own team Wayne Stephens, Carol Stephens and Noel Wester all gained new titles on their personal Hoytts.
Wayne's girl Nadia formally Hoytts Perfect Storm CGC BN CD also gained her second win toward the D.P.C.A Top20 just one month into the 2018 accounting.
We also Learned Carol's girl Sophie formally Hoytts Treasure Lies Within CGC BN CDX and our blue eyed Star formally Hoytts Star of Texas CGC BN CD GN having finished her programs headed home.
Note both made the D.P.C.A final Top20 for 2017. Noel's boy Clark our youngest of the group formally Hoytts Invincible Man of Steel CGC BN RN will one day carry on his Line combination.
Clark is the youngest of our gang - more details in our monthly news letter.
WOW What a Team!