Dolemite ... Buffy pup born 12-3-19 Reserved two years before birth - will be part of our next generation fall 2022 or spring of 2023. - Knoxville Tn. HOME with Heath Hoytt & family . $0.00
JJ - This is one of the Hoytts behind the "next generation" with our Buffy - pups whelped Valentines Day. 2021 ... Just to show off the boy home 2018 $0.00
Vader - Greta & Caspian pup born 7-21-19 ...Super Pup 2 now home in Mooresville FL - Established client $0.00
Leia - natural ears ...Buffy pup born 12-3-19 Home - finished her SP1 and now home with a young adult Hoytt named Vader - Now a FLORIDIAN $0.00