Service, therapy and other shared programs of the heart
Today Rebekah and Ellie made a visit to a local kindergarten to be part of the community helpers unit the children were studying. They explained what a therapy dog does when it visits a school, hospital, and nursing home. I thought these pictures were cute, and I wanted to share them with you. A day like this adds so much more to what a great Dobe is all about.
As you venture through this web site keep in mind that there are many more Hoytt Dobes and their families presented who are part of the Kids for Dogs programs and even Hoytt Dobes who could be seen as members of summer stock productions and on this thought comes Winston and Brando. But there are so many more great Dobes who serve their owners. Hard working companions like Cooper who's live is truly split between her job in arson detection and traveling companion to her 'investigator' owner that we'd have to triple the contents of this site just listing the great ones. Those enjoyed by our clients who are so proud of their Dobes but life does not allow them the freedom to go all out to show the world their Dobes, Dobes who are so much more then the family protector for in the end they simply are a family member.
Know that for more years then most readers of this site have been around Hoytt has been the leading breeder of Dobermans who are so much more then just the family dog. That we have attracted more folks will be taking their Dobes to those who have very little to smile until that very special Hoytt Dobe came to visit for each Hoytt Therapy Dobe comes with an unlimited supply of kisses and touches. Also we are pleased to be able to mention that our clients and their Hoytt Dobermans lead in the world of Certified Dobermans under the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) programs, formal obedience certifications and Therapy work. No other bloodline has proved itself so adjustable to life as it is today. This has attracted an extremely fine family of owners who like Ellie and Rebekah enjoy their Hoytt Dobes as personal companions but also share their Dobes greatness with those non-family members allowed into their personal circle of life and without their undying fortitude, their reaching for goals few of us can ever dream of achieving, our successes was made possible. Yet while we try to give a special section to each team, shown off in other areas of this website the Performance successes in the obedience ring alone keep us number one in AKC competitive exercises. As attested to by the short statement from 'mom' about daughter and Doberman that began this page.
Barrie Hoytt
America's first Doberman to receive the Accelerant Detection Certification also the youngest canine of any breed to accomplish this. Cooper Story and Video |
Meet Sir Winston
And Brando...bringing smiles to all they meet.
Meet two best friends, Lisa and Cailey in Owners Gallery