Vader - Greta & Caspian pup born 7-21-19 ...Super Pup 2 now home in Mooresville FL - Established client $0.00
Titan ...Caspian & Luna pup born 9-24-21... Now home a Super Pup2 graduate - personally picked the boy. Already goes every where including Starbucks with dad-a good friend of an established client ...Pennsylvania . $0.00
Loki...Miska & Kodiak GV born 4-25-21 .... now home after completing our SP1 program. Yep established client, almost next door just 200 miles from the kennel. $0.00
Magic - Miska & Kodiak pup born 10-20-18 - Now in Cody WY - clients drove in to pick her up. And yes they are established clients. $0.00