Compare Susie as in Siouxsie - female - born 10-27-22 - REERVED -This flaming red princess will have everyone touched by her beauty and demeaner. ESTABLISHED CLIENT...MINNESOTA $0.00 Quickview
Compare Ash - Lucy & Guinness born ... 10-27-22 ... Headed to AR...This boy has his dad's style and his mom's background size. One hot little dude in red. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Kai - born 10-27-2022 - Heading to FL - Lucy & Guinness .. Personality plus style, protective yet a social service dog in a handsome devil who will be a bit over 100 pounds at maturity. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Rajah-Lucy & Guinness born 10-27-22 ... heading to North Carolina - brother to an established client. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Gator - born 10-27-22 - Lucy & Guinness - Home in Mass. - He's all love so we gave him a stronger guardian name - the boy has his own plane exploring the world $0.00 Quickview
Compare Cynthia...Caspian & Bella born 5-18-22..She's quite a doll, great understanding of "chain of command" great interaction with her peers soon to be home with her mom Bella. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Gus... born 5-18-22 Bella & Caspian ... reserved in training. Heading to New Jersey when finished -we will deliver $0.00 Quickview
Compare Jett... This young man born 4-10-22 Now a Colorado resident and a pretty two year old Hoytt named Tasha will teach him "yes dear". Plus mom a retired veterinarian now has time to enjoy a pair of great Dobes. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Fury ... born 2-22-22 Karma & Guiness reserved before birth -well established Oregon clients - CYA Program grad - Halfway delivery met in Nebraska . $0.00 Quickview
Compare Hoytt's Aurora Borealis CGC gave us an excellent litter of fawns last year. Great coats, great minds and fantastic personality one & all. Plan ahead for in 2023 her retirement litter is set. The older sister to "Q" & both are daughters of Miska. $0.00 Quickview
Compare Louie... DOB 2-12-20 - Master's & Grand Victor graduate required a 14 month program home with established clients - now a Arizona resident. Personal pick up. $0.00 Quickview