****soon available/read first
Scroll to the end of this page for our youngest or when next babies are due.
For all who have spent years hoping one day to welcome a very special Dobe into their life, take your time and learn more about this breed by going back to our MENU once you've enjoyed seeing our youngest. Learn how we use genetic profiling to help create today's Hoytt Dobes. Thus for some folks who have the expectations, patience and of course can invest in our programs, give us the honor of selecting and finishing a Dobe matched to you, your environment, your expectations and degree of sociability - all in a very stylish creature. A Dobe for you who also has a sense of humor. For sure we are the only experts who can look past the "CUTE" and see all the above and the future guardian qualities as the kid steps through the early months and then years ahead as an adult.
A true companion and when you want to know where your Hoytt Dobe is, all you have to do is look to your left.
Definitely study our pre-placement educational programs too. After all we are also known for titling the youngest competitors gaining degrees in the AKC obedience ring. Our way of simply saying "we are the best of the best". See our pups and our latest Dobes to complete our Masters Course at BHoytt@youtube. Lucifer and Lucy are our latest graduates of our Masters Course. So for all who seek a kid that seemingly knows your next wish before you ask, know its quite enjoyable having an outstanding example of the breed that will make you laugh while you know you still have a serious Guardian who always keeps an eye on life in its family circle.
Of course having an expert who will take the pup through medical services and schooling before placement may be a bit much on the budget paying at one time, so you may think you're better to start with a pup and pay as you go. Hopefully you also hope you can find the people to help you. However we do understand so readers since it takes us months, even years at times to create these exceptional creatures that look like they should be on the cover of a breed magazine, here's our version of time payment that will allow you chosen services before placement.
Basically while we are creating or building your Dobe, set up a monthly payment you will be comfortable with that is designed so your new Hoytt Dobe is paid for about a month before the kid is ready to head home. We will give you an approximate placement date for planning once we have all the information we need related to selection and finishing. We will keep you in the loop with still photos and video shorts.
Updated 5-08-22
This girl was one of our Special Offering kids - now a Michigan gal.
We are pleased to show off Josie & our little super stars born April 10, 2022 who with our Caspian's assistance have given us a great continuation of their inherent qualities ... ten little party critters who will go on to be the bright star of their future families lives. While a few of the kids already have last names one of these kids still could be your dream come true.
Like our Karma pups, each Josie kid comes with our buy back assurances plus if during the time you are waiting on us to present your new Super Star should a problem at your end arise and you need to change your preferred placement date even a year further into the future ( with no price change) no problem. Or regretfully you face a financial short fall before your pup has been chosen, 80% of your deposit or $200.0 whichever is less is returnable for the asking.
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity"
WOW...Know that the Hoytt Dobe Line is the oldest registered blood line* in American Kennel Club history now 42 years strong as well as the longest living line of Dobermans world wide. The Hoytt family also has exclusively been with the Doberman since 1945 that's at least six times longer then the original creator Herr Dobermann who combined varied breeds some mixed to create the first Dobermanns. Note the first Dobe to carry the Hoytt name was 1958 and yes 100% pure German breeding. Pre-birth reservations are encouraged since the Hoytts have limited their placement from the early 70's to 35/45 per year.
* 100% of the Dobes in their AKC pedigrees only carry the name Hoytt.
"Hail, hail, the gangs all here."
**************************************************************************** Below - Caspian formally Hoytt's Defender of Justice CGC RN CD TDI now five years old with his house mate London, formally Hoytts Bridge to my Heart CGC RN CD TDI - DPCA Top20 yet first and foremost still both wonderful companions as well as protectors. London is eight but years ago gave us two litters to continue her bloodline. With her help came Miska our rainbow producer and Miska gave us Aurora and "Q". Plus Aurora gave us our first fawn litter for 2022 and again a continuation of her Line combination.
THINKING NATRAL EARS _ Meet LUNA formally Hoytts Eastern Star CGC
The greatness of the Hoytt Doberman from health, comprehensive qualities, with true great educators of our fresh young minds and for sure superb personalities showing off in above video link. More then 50 plus years of natural selection - refining through experience without test tubes. Now the video link with Luna's kids and our staff care givers, pups wearing the Quick Brace which was personally designed by Mr. Hoytt to counter the discomforts of ear wrapping after surgery and during stance training.
Here are the parents of the pups born 9-24-21 all now home. Below a YouTube link to litter. Sired by our own Caspian formally Hoytt's Defender of Honor CGC RN CD & Luna formally Hoytt's Eastern Star CGC (a Jersey girl) - family photos earlier on this page. Do keep in mind about one third of our Dobes are reserved before birth by folks who are simply great planners or patient enough to wait until all they seek in mind and body becomes a reality, after all these folks are planning on their soon to be family member will be with them longer then most marriages last.
All these pups have owners who continued to be patient during the finishing services their family had requested.
Final presentation to those with reservations came mid December. All Hoytt Dobes are placed only after they have completed our extensive medical completion services and their chosen education. Have a group video of these kids at play so interaction of pups and their teachers can be seen by all. Also the video above shows that nine pups right after crop can wear the QuickBrace taping system and still play as if they were not wearing their ear braces.
Many of our clients reserve in advance for placement in 2022. We also have two kids already reserved for placement in 2023. If you open the photo files on pups born in 2020 and into 2021 you will notice most of our Dobes have been reserved by established clients, extended family members or through friends of clients who understand the many advantages of turning to Hoytt with residences from coast to coast, boarder to boarder and remember we do personal deliveries.
Actually we are so 'full service' we did A Grand Caymans dog sitter service. Even delivered Hoytt Dobes a few times by chopper to Tortola BVI and by boat locally.
Next photos late in 2022 our future parents to be...Dolomite formally Hoytt's Napoleon Dolemite CGC & Lucy formally Barronessa Lucy V Hoytt CGC BN may be our first whelping for 2023.
If you are an established client just call Carol Stephens and she'll arrange a time you and Mr. Hoytt can chat. But if we do not know you, do go to our website at HOYTT.COM and complete our Client Profile. Of course now that you are into our site take the time to learn more about our exclusive genetic profiling breeding program and the many inherent personality variables we use for determining who goes where and of course the many services we offer before placement. And while the world now has Dobermans being born in every country and is no longer the exclusive German creation, the Hoytts have initially with 100% the original German Lines dating back to the forties and now since the mid 80's do not have a single non-Hoytt Dobe in our gene pool. Now go back to our menu and open "HOYTT DOBERMAN BLOODLINE INFORMATION" you will see that every Dobe listed in the actual pedigree example for Mr. Hoytts "Q" a London grand daughter carries the bloodline name HOYTT. This is how one checks a seller who claims their A.K.C. pups are from their own lines. This is much different then a seller owning the breeding pairs since each of their dogs in todays Doberman sellers will not carry their kennel bloodline name except maybe the producing pair. Equivalent to some person who bought a hammer & saw and now advertise themselves as carpenters. 'REALLY'